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Patsy Always Hated Her Nose!

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

After listening to her story, I knew exactly what she meant and the type of nose job I had to do!

For Patsy her nose job with filler carried out by Greg andrew was a non surgical rhinoplasty with amazing results in Leicester and coventry

You see I have always disliked my nose. That's why I knew what I was going to specialise in when I qualified. Because I know how others can make you feel like when you are young and how those feeling of insecurity can cause you to hide away throughout life.

For Patsy I smoothed over her bump, reshaped her tip area (which was a little too rounded), and lifted her tip up to it's correct position.

Pasty now has a nose that she is happy to be seen with. This just another example of the type of result that a non surgical rhinoplasty nose job with filler, can achieve for you. Contact me today. Call Greg on 07761 055303.

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