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How To Get Very The Best Nose Job Result!

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

Having a nose job to smooth over the bump, lift and lower the tip, or straighten a 'C' or 'S' shaped curve and more .. can do wonders for your self confidence and is usually enough .. but sometimes not!

A rhinoplasty nose job that only takes 10 minutes. This non surgical job was completed in Birmingham.

Meg has never liked her side profile (most of us don't), or we prefer one side to the other. She contacted me to ask what I thought, and I told her the following ..

  1. The gap between her upper lip and bottom of her nose was too narrow, this was the result of having her lips done (by someone else), this not only close up the gap, but also left an odd look with her upper lip projecting further out than her lower (should really be in line). So I lifted and reshaped her tip to make a little more space.

  2. I enhanced her bottom lip to move it in line with her top lip.

  3. Her chin looked a little bit rounded and retrusive, So I reshaped her chin, which also give the additional benefit of sharping her jawline.

I think now her nose, lips and chin is in better balance and has upped her attractiveness.

A non surgical rhinoplasty nose job with filler, can be enough to get you the result you want, but when I add in a little lip and chin work for maximum attractiveness, it really can make difference between a good looking nose, or an overall attractive looking face. Profile balancing is my signature, I pretty much do it everyday, so if you are looking for the best possible nose job result, then perhaps consider your lips and chin as well.

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