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Her Nose Job Was Just the Icing On The Cake

Read on to find out why Maryam's non surgical nose job with filler was created to simply complimented her face ..

Reshaping Maryam's nose so that it was in better balance to the surrounding features of her face, was what was needed to do to up her attractiveness. Here's why Maryam is so beautiful and whay I was able to do

. Maryam has a heart/oval face shape, with clear brown skin and even tone and texture from head to chin. She has gentle contoured brows with the tail slightly higher than the head, wider set eyes that are inclined, with rounded cheekbones that taper down to a sharp jawline and chin, and full plump lips with a 55/45 split. These type of features can make the lower third of the face from the bottom of the nose to chin, seem smaller compared to the upper two thirds, but these characteristics are exactly what makes Maryam’s eyes the focal point of her face, and why like me you are drawn to them.

Now whilst the latest trends in aesthetics come and go (I don’t practice aesthetic trends), Maryam’s features are as beautiful today as they were 100 years ago, and will be just as beautiful in a hundred years time. All I needed to do was to ensure her nose job complimented her eye's, cheeks, lips chin and jaw, so that her face overall is in balance for maximum attractiveness.

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